Saturday, October 2, 2010

Weekly Dinners 1

I'm not sure if this is going to work but its a start until I can figure out the perfect way.

Sunday- (going to Bar harbor so not sure it we are going out to eat)
Dinner-Friendly's - quesadilla
Dinner- Stir-fry
Dinner-Green bean casserole
Dinner-wheat pasta and sauce
Dinner-chicken Salad on wheat
Dinner-Chicken tenders and fries (frozen)
Dinner-Ruby Tuesday night.


I once had a teacher who said "If you only do one thing in life make it a list of goals you want to do and stick it to your fridge" I never did it because I didn't understand why you would have to write down your goals if you could remember them in your head. But now I do understand, having to see these goals over and over and over every time you go to the fridge is a way to keep you motivated and help you keep track of your progress. He also said to take a look at them every six months to a year and change them if you have too. This was great advice that I am now going to take.

So here are my goals:

Weight loss- (2 lbs a week)
11-1-10- 212
12-1-10- 204
1-1-10- 196
2-1-10- 188
3-1-10- 182
4-1-10- 174
5-1-10- 166

Weekly exercise schedule-
Sun- Walk
Mon- Run/bells(TGU)
Tue- Walk/bells(Swings)
Wed- Run
Thu- Walk/bells(TGU)
Fri- Run/bells(Swings)

Change my eating habits-
I'm going to come on here every Saturday night and make a list of what meals I'm going to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
I also want to start up my Weight-Watchers and keep track of my points.

Saving money for Cali-
My husband and I want to move to California by Aug 2011 but as of today we haven't saved any money. We need to buckle down and start making a budget and stick to it. I'm not going to write the budget on here but I will keep posting monthly if we are doing it.

School Changes-
Right now i'm in college for Accounting. I have been in college now for 4 years doing my 5th right now. I'm sick of accounting and I know hate it. I want to change my major and make a plan to help get my studies back on track.
1. Pick new major- 12-15-10
2. Pick a new school- 5-1-11

Getting a New Job-
I don't really like my job. Its a good starting job to get experience but I need a job that I can use for my field and something that pays better would be nice too.
I cant really get a new job right now because of the potion i'm in but I want to start looking around and make my resume so i'm ready when a good one comes up.

Thats it for now I will must likely keep adding on to this as my weeks continue.

The Beginning

My name is Liz. I'm 22, married, working, and going to school.
I have decided that I don't like where I'm at with work, school, and my body so I've decided to change.
I'm not very good at change and I'm not very good at sticking with it. I'm hopping if I post on here my progress and my week to week changes then I will see myself getting better and will stick with it forever.

If you are in the same boat as me or can just give advice I would love it and would love the support.
