Saturday, October 2, 2010


I once had a teacher who said "If you only do one thing in life make it a list of goals you want to do and stick it to your fridge" I never did it because I didn't understand why you would have to write down your goals if you could remember them in your head. But now I do understand, having to see these goals over and over and over every time you go to the fridge is a way to keep you motivated and help you keep track of your progress. He also said to take a look at them every six months to a year and change them if you have too. This was great advice that I am now going to take.

So here are my goals:

Weight loss- (2 lbs a week)
11-1-10- 212
12-1-10- 204
1-1-10- 196
2-1-10- 188
3-1-10- 182
4-1-10- 174
5-1-10- 166

Weekly exercise schedule-
Sun- Walk
Mon- Run/bells(TGU)
Tue- Walk/bells(Swings)
Wed- Run
Thu- Walk/bells(TGU)
Fri- Run/bells(Swings)

Change my eating habits-
I'm going to come on here every Saturday night and make a list of what meals I'm going to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
I also want to start up my Weight-Watchers and keep track of my points.

Saving money for Cali-
My husband and I want to move to California by Aug 2011 but as of today we haven't saved any money. We need to buckle down and start making a budget and stick to it. I'm not going to write the budget on here but I will keep posting monthly if we are doing it.

School Changes-
Right now i'm in college for Accounting. I have been in college now for 4 years doing my 5th right now. I'm sick of accounting and I know hate it. I want to change my major and make a plan to help get my studies back on track.
1. Pick new major- 12-15-10
2. Pick a new school- 5-1-11

Getting a New Job-
I don't really like my job. Its a good starting job to get experience but I need a job that I can use for my field and something that pays better would be nice too.
I cant really get a new job right now because of the potion i'm in but I want to start looking around and make my resume so i'm ready when a good one comes up.

Thats it for now I will must likely keep adding on to this as my weeks continue.

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